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I like you the way you are

  • Leeftijdscategorie < 6 jaar
  • Boek bevat 32 pagina's
€ 17,95
  • Gratis verzending bij een bestelling vanaf € 45,00

  • Inpakken voor maar € 1,50

  • 14 dagen omruilgarantie

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Hedgehog and Mouse are friends. Best friends. It doesn’t matter what they’re doing, as long as they’re doing it together. One day, Hedgehog wants to thank Mouse for being his friend. But . . . Oh no . . . He falls and accidentally pricks Mouse. Wouldn’t Mouse be happier with a softer friend instead of one with quills? A touching story about friendship and the importance of being yourself. For little critters ages 4 years and up.

Product informatie

UitgeverijClavis Uitgeverij
Verschenenapril 2024
SoortMet illustraties
Afmeting26.7 x 25.7 x 0.9 cm
Gewicht390 gram
NUR273 - Prentenboeken (<6 jaar)